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About Us

Our family lives in Ogden, UT and started homeschooling in November of 2013.  It sort of happened by accident.  The kids were sick at home, but after four moves in two years I didn't want them missing any learning.  So I taught them that week they had fevers, we all loved it, and we've never gone back!  I developed a love for learning thanks to the hands-on approach to learning my parents took, visiting historical sights, making models and costumes, and even reenacting history.  After getting my Bahelor's degree, getting married, starting a family, and seeing how my children were growing, I learned I wanted to help instill a love for learning in my own children too.  I wanted to let them explore their own interests, feel completely supported and THRIVE.  Little by little, day by day, we try to make that happen.

We homeschool Science & Math by pulling from our own interests and using manipulatives.  English is a favorite subject of mine and we use classic books to inspire art and parties.  We also take advantage of local events so many pictures include fun we find in Weber County.  My kids are 8, 6, & 3 so I focus all our activities on them and that age range.  I love documenting what we do so that we can all remember the fun we have.  Who knows?  Maybe some day they will want to homeschool too and do some of the same things we did together!  I mom can dream, right? 

I share our activities and write here to keep me going, keep a record, occasionally vent and encourage others to keep on truckin' too!

If you would like to get to know me even better and see more of my pictures, feel free to check out my other blogs!  I love journaling and sharing our family experiences with the family and friends we have spread across the world...

Our family adventures and projects can be seen here...www.adventuresofchevaandcompany.blogspot.com 

I suffered from depression and anxiety for many years.  One of the greatest parts of healing has been sharing my experiences and trying to spread hope to others.  I try really hard to see the positive now and find learning moments in the every day life of a stay at home mommy.  For an inspirational pick-me-up visit...www.evamelissabarnett.blogspot.com

I love taking family portraits and have been busy at it for the past 3 years.  You can see my work, client reviews and modest pricing at www.evabarnettphotography.blogspot.com.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and make it a priority (as hard as it is sometimes!) to creatively teach my kids the Gospel.  For ideas on teaching your children about Christ Like my Facebook page LDS Little Ones and check out my blog... www.ldslittleones.blogspot.com

Finally, keeping my depression in check and keeping up with my kids has only been possible through trying to live a healthier life.  I have struggled with body image issues for a long time and even battled an eating disorder for a time.  Documenting the nutritious choices I make and healthy weight-loss efforts helps me stay on track.  You can read about that journey here...http://www.veggiefitmama.blogspot.com It's been really rewarding to encourage others on a quest for better health.

I love having readers, sharing parenting ideas and struggles, and the support that's out there when we learn from each other!  Thanks!

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